Results and value are cultivated in culture health. Let's do this together.
Board Leadership Coaching
Too many boards are unaligned and lack ownership of their mission and vision. Many boards function under an unhealthy culture and experience low engagement from their board members. Face to Face Space provides relevant board leadership coaching, designed to increase board engagement, cultivate and shape board culture, and upgrade alignment with vision and mission. Experience on-going one-on one support, board coaching, and guidance led by an experienced facilitator and professional coach. Leaders receive practical applications and strategies from this service to achieve board goals and yield strong results.
Board Retreats
Too many boards are unaligned and lack ownership of their mission and vision. Many boards function under an unhealthy culture and experience low engagement from their board members. Face to Face Space provides relevant board leadership coaching, designed to increase board engagement, cultivate and shape board culture, and upgrade alignment with vision and mission. Experience on-going one-on one support, board coaching, and guidance led by an experienced facilitator and professional coach. Leaders receive practical applications and strategies from this service to achieve board goals and yield strong results.
The Face to Face Space approach to training and facilitation provides an interactive and engaging space of growth and advancement for professional individuals, so that each individual of your board and team is equipped and empowered to strengthen and increase ownership of the outcomes of your board and organization’s vision and mission. Each training, your employees will receive tangible strategies and practical tools to increase engagement and execution of the whole professional’s wellness and balance through a homegrown lab where participants will work through a series of exercises and activities to increase training objectives. Each package is (can be) tailored for you and your team.